
How To Create Crew In Pubg Season 10

What is the best god or goddess to play in Smite? That is a question that many players ask themselves when they are starting out. This tier list will give you all of the information you need to know about which gods and goddesses are at what level and which ones can help your team carry more effectively. If you're new to Smite, this article will be perfect for helping you find a hero who fits your play style!

In this Smite tier list, we will be going over the best gods and goddesses in order of how strong they are. The ranking goes from S-tier to F-Tier. If you don't know what tiers are - these represent power levels that determine which god or goddess can carry a team more effectively depending on their strength level.

The gods or goddesses that are at the top of this tier list will be able to carry their team more effectively. They can dish out a lot of damage while also being very tanky.


  • Smite - A Quick Introduction
  • Smite Tier List (2021): Latest Season
    • Smite S Tier List (2021)
    • Smite A Tier List (2021)
    • Smite B Tier List (2021)
    • Smite C Tier List (2021)
    • Smite D Tier List (2021)
    • Smite E Tier List (2021)
    • Smite F Tier List (2021)
  • Frequently Asked Questions
    • 1. What is a Smite tier list?
    • 2. How is a champion placed on the Smite tier list?
    • 3. What should I know before playing a game with my god?
    • 4. What are the benefits of Smite tier list?
    • 5. How do I use a Smite tier list?
  • Final Words

Smite - A Quick Introduction

Smite is a free-to-play MOBA in which players take on the role of one of many different gods from various pantheons. They are then pitted against other player's gods with the ultimate goal to destroy their opponents' "Phoenix" or World Tree. The game has been developed by Titan Forge Games and was originally released on March 25, 2014, as an open beta.

Smite - A Quick Introduction

Smite has a variety of different game modes to choose from, such as Conquest, Assault, and Siege, which are all competitive modes that revolve around the same goal - defeat your opponents' Phoenix or World Tree. To do this, you will need to level up your character's abilities through earning gold and purchasing items by killing enemy players or creeps (monsters in between each lane).

In this guide, we'll be discussing the best gods for playing Smite. When looking at these tiers, it's important to note how powerful they can be during battle, so some of them may not offer much more utility than others but still excel when it comes down to team fighting ability while also being tanky enough to take plenty of damage from the enemy team.

Also Useful: Mobile Legends Tier List (2021)

Smite Tier List (2021): Latest Season

Smite is one of the most popular MOBA games, and while it has many successful professional players, not everyone can dedicate themselves to being a pro player. The tier list breaks down how each god in Smite stacks up against other gods.

Smite Tier List

This smite tier list ranks gods from best to worst based on their performance at higher levels of play so that you know who is the strongest character picks for ranked matches!

There is a total of 7 ranks in Smite tier list:

Smite S Tier List (2021)

Smite S tier includes a god who is so strong that they are considered to be in a league of their own. These gods have the potential to carry (single-handedly win) ranked games and should always be picked or banned if possible!

s tier
Character Attack Type Damage Type Pantheon
Odin Melee Physical Norse
Yemoja Ranged Magical Yoruba
Kukulkan Ranged Magical Mayan
Heimdallr Ranged Physical Norse
Cthulhu Melee Magical Great Old Ones
Yemoja Ranged Magical Yoruba

Smite A Tier List (2021)

Smite A tier consists of gods which excel at something specific, such as aggression or support but don't quite make S tier because there's one aspect where they're lacking. A Tier Gods will almost never lose lane alone but may get outclassed in certain situations by higher-ranked gods.

They can often create an advantage for your team with their strengths, like being able to dive solo very well while also having some form of CC like stuns, slows, etc.

a tier
Character Attack Type Damage Type Pantheon
King Arthur Melee Physical Arthurian
Agni Ranged Magical Hindu
Thor Melee Physical Norse
Bastet Melee Physical Egyptian
Athena Melee Magical Greek
Bakasura Melee Physical Hindu
Ao Kuang Melee Magical Chinese
Ah Puch Ranged Magical Mayan
Tyr Melee Physical Norse
Hera Ranged Magical Greek
Isis Ranged Magical Egyptian
Ullr Ranged Physical Norse
Raijin Ranged Magical Japanese
Ratatoskr Melee Physical Norse
Susano Melee Physical Japanese
Jing Wei Ranged Physical Chinese
Baba Yaga Ranged Magical Slavic
Merlin Ranged Magical Arthurian

Also Related: 7DS Grand Cross Tier List (2021)

Smite B Tier List (2021)

Smite B tier consists of gods that are strong in a variety of situations but have one or two weaknesses. This is where your average smite player will be found. They may not be the most commonly picked, but they will usually perform well when played correctly and can even carry games if the rest of your team is doing poorly.

b tier
Character Attack Type Damage Type Pantheon
Ares Melee Magical Greek
Baron Samedi Ranged Magical Voodoo
Chang'e Ranged Magical Chinese
Artio Melee Magical Celtic
Cerberus Melee Magical Greek
Fenrir Melee Physical Norse
Discordia Ranged Magical Roman
Chiron Ranged Physical Greek
Da Ji Melee Physical Chinese
Erlang Shen Melee Physical Chinese
Geb Melee Magical Egyptian
Hercules Melee Physical Roman
Hou Yi Ranged Physical Chinese
Janus Ranged Magical Roman
Kuzenbo Melee Magical Japanese
Ganesha Melee Magical Hindu
Ne Zha Melee Physical Chinese
Pele Melee Physical Polynesian
Persephone Ranged Magical Greek
Kumbhakarna Melee Magical Hindu
Rama Ranged Physical Hindu
Ravana Melee Physical Hindu
Terra Melee Magical Roman
Vamana Melee Physical Hindu
Thoth Ranged Magical Egyptian
Xbalanque Ranged Magical Mayan
Zeus Ranged Magical Greek
Zhong Kui Ranged Magical Chinese

Smite C Tier List (2021)

Smite C tier consists of gods who don't excel at any particular role and tend to do worse than other picks in the same circumstance.

c tier
Character Attack Type Damage Type Pantheon
Achilles Melee Physical Greek
Horus Melee Physical Egyptian
Anhur Ranged Physical Egyptian
Aphrodite Ranged Magical Greek
Chernobog Ranged Physical Slavic
Bellona Melee Physical Roman
Chronos Ranged Magical Greek
Cupid Ranged Physical Roman
Izanami Ranged Physical Japanese
Khepri Melee Magical Egyptian
He Bo Ranged Magical Chinese
Medusa Ranged Physical Greek
Mercury Melee Physical Roman
Hun Batz Melee Physical Mayan
Nemesis Melee Physical Greek
Neith Ranged Physical Egyptian
Olorun Ranged Magical Yoruba

Smite D Tier List (2021)

Smite D tier consists of gods that are picked very infrequently and have a lot of weaknesses. They simply cannot compete with the other picks in their category. D-tier gods have no place on competitive teams, but they can still make great additions to casual matches!

d tier
Character Attack Type Damage Type Pantheon
Scylla Ranged Magical Greek
Ra Ranged Magical Egyptian
Serqet Melee Physical Egyptian
Sobek Melee Magical Egyptian
Sol Ranged Magical Norse
Sun Wukong Melee Physical Chinese
The Morrigan Ranged Magical Celtic
Sylvanus Ranged Magical Roman
Fafnir Melee Magical Norse
Amaterasu Melee Magical Japanese
Apollo Ranged Physical Greek
Artemis Ranged Physical Greek
Awilix Melee Physical Mayan
Bacchus Melee Magical Roman
Camazotz Melee Physical Mayan
Chaac Melee Physical Mayan
Guan Yu Melee Physical Chinese
Hades Ranged Magical Greek
Jormungandr Ranged Magical Norse
Kali Melee Physical Norse
Nox Ranged Magical Roman
Nu Wa Ranged Magical Chinese
Set Melee Physical Egyptian
Skadi Ranged Physical Norse

Smite E Tier List (2021)

Smite E tier consists of gods that are simply not viable and have many weaknesses. They're the last pick in ranked matches but can be useful for beginners or fun games!

Character Attack Type Damage Type Pantheon
Thanatos Melee Physical Greek
Xing Tian Melee Magical Chinese
Ymir Melee Magical Norse
Anubis Ranged Magical Egyptian
Ah Muzen Cab Ranged Physical Mayan
Arachne Melee Physical Greek
Cabrakan Melee Magical Mayan
Hel Ranged Magical Norse
Nike Melee Physical Greek

Smite F Tier List (2021)

Smite F tier is for Gods who would be considered to be weak or niche picks which usually make up less than 0.25% of games played at all levels of play.

These god's abilities also lack synergy when compared to those above them on this list and will often get destroyed if they don't pick one another as well as against the enemy team because it lacks clear wave capabilities, CC, etc.

F Tier
Character Attack Type Damage Type Pantheon
Poseidon Ranged Magical Greek
Osiris Melee Physical Egyptian
Loki Melee Physical Norse

Also Check: Exos Heroes Tier List (2021)

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is a Smite tier list?

A tier list shows which champions are considered to be in the higher division of their role. For example, if you were looking at Smite tier list, then it would show all of the champions who are considered to be in Tier S.

2. How is a champion placed on the Smite tier list?

A god will be given a rank based on how they perform at higher levels of play. The criteria for placement include both their single-target and area of effect damage, crowd control duration, mobility, utility/CC abilities, etc.

3. What should I know before playing a game with my god?

You should always know your god's strengths and weaknesses, as well as what they are good against. For example, if you're playing as Odin and your team has a lot of crowd control, then it's probably not the best idea to pick up Thor, who is an easy target for CC.

4. What are the benefits of Smite tier list?

The Tier list will not only help you learn what the best gods are, but it's also a great resource for anyone who wants to improve their god. You can see which of your weaknesses need improving and work on them!

5. How do I use a Smite tier list?

The best way to use the tier list is by getting an idea of what your team needs and then checking out which god would be most suitable for that role. For example, if you have no gods with crowd control abilities on your team, then it may not be wise to pick up Anubis, who has great CC but lacks clear wave capabilities (the ability to push lanes back).

Final Words

The Smite tier list is a great way to see which champions are considered to be in the higher divisions of their role. This list will help you learn what gods excel at (their damage type and attack type). If you're looking for an easy-to-use resource, this tier list has it all.

I hope you enjoyed this article; please leave a comment below if you have any thoughts or questions.

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