
How To Create Multiple Gridview Dynamically In Asp Net C#

In this article I am going to explain how to add multiple rows to Gridview control dynamically in

Description :

In this article I am going to add the multiple rows to Gridview on button click.

Implementation :

Method 1:

In this method when user clicks on button it continually added the row to Gridview control.

HTML Markup:

< asp : GridView ID ="gvbook" runat ="server" AutoGenerateColumns ="false">

< Columns >

< asp : TemplateField HeaderText ="SL No.">

< ItemTemplate >

<% # Container.DataItemIndex +1 %>

</ ItemTemplate >

</ asp : TemplateField >

< asp : TemplateField HeaderText ="Book Name">

< ItemTemplate >

< asp : TextBox ID ="txtname" runat ="server" Text =' <% # Eval( "name" ) %> '>

</ asp : TextBox >

</ ItemTemplate >

</ asp : TemplateField >

< asp : TemplateField HeaderText ="Author">

< ItemTemplate >

< asp : TextBox ID ="txtauthor" runat ="server" Text =' <% # Eval( "author" ) %> '>

</ asp : TextBox >

</ ItemTemplate >

</ asp : TemplateField >

< asp : TemplateField HeaderText ="Price">

< ItemTemplate >

< asp : TextBox ID ="txtprice" runat ="server" Text =' <% # Eval( "price" ) %> '>

</ asp : TextBox >

</ ItemTemplate >

</ asp : TemplateField >

</ Columns >

</ asp : GridView >

< asp : Button ID ="btnAddNewRow" runat ="server" Text ="Add New Row" />

On button click write the below given code:


protected void btnAddNewRow_Click( object sender, EventArgs e)




var rows = gvbook.Rows.Cast< GridViewRow >().Select(a => new


                Name = (( TextBox )a.FindControl( "txtName" )).Text,

                author = (( TextBox )a.FindControl( "txtauthor" )).Text,

                price = (( TextBox )a.FindControl( "txtprice" )).Text,


        rows.Add( new


                Name = "" ,

                author = "" ,

                price= ""


            gvbook.DataSource = rows;



catch ( Exception ex)

        { }



Protected Sub btnAddNewRow_Click(sender As Object , e As EventArgs ) Handles btnAddNewRow.Click


Dim rows = gvbook.Rows.Cast( Of GridViewRow )().[Select]( Function (a) New With {

Key .Name = DirectCast (a.FindControl( "txtName" ), TextBox ).Text,

Key .author = DirectCast (a.FindControl( "txtauthor" ), TextBox ).Text,

Key .price = DirectCast (a.FindControl( "txtprice" ), TextBox ).Text


            rows.Add( New With {

Key .Name = "" ,

Key .author = "" ,

Key .price = ""


            gvbook.DataSource = rows


Catch ex As Exception

End Try

End Sub

Method 2:

In this method user enter the number of record he wants to add to Gridview and click to button. e.g. if want to add 3 rows user enter 3 in textbox and hit the button, it added the 3 rows to Gridview control.

HTML Markup:

< asp : TextBox ID ="txtrow" runat ="server"></ asp : TextBox > &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; < asp : Button ID ="btnAddNewRow" runat ="server" Text ="Add New Row" OnClick ="btnAddNewRow_Click" />

< asp : GridView ID ="gvbook" runat ="server" AutoGenerateColumns ="false" CellPadding ="5">

< Columns >

< asp : TemplateField HeaderText ="SL No.">

< ItemTemplate >

<% # Container.DataItemIndex +1 %>

</ ItemTemplate >

</ asp : TemplateField >

< asp : TemplateField HeaderText ="Book Name">

< ItemTemplate >

< asp : TextBox ID ="txtname" runat ="server">

</ asp : TextBox >

</ ItemTemplate >

</ asp : TemplateField >

< asp : TemplateField HeaderText ="Author">

< ItemTemplate >

< asp : TextBox ID ="txtauthor" runat ="server">

</ asp : TextBox >

</ ItemTemplate >

</ asp : TemplateField >

< asp : TemplateField HeaderText ="Price">

< ItemTemplate >

< asp : TextBox ID ="txtprice" runat ="server">

</ asp : TextBox >

</ ItemTemplate >

</ asp : TemplateField >

</ Columns >

</ asp : GridView >

On button click write the below given code:


protected void btnAddNewRow_Click( object sender, EventArgs e)




List < int > noofRows = new List < int >();

int rows = 0;

int .TryParse(txtrow.Text.Trim(), out rows);

for ( int i = 0; i < rows; i++)




            gvbook.DataSource = noofRows;



catch ( Exception ex)

        { }



Protected Sub btnAddNewRow_Click(sender As Object , e As EventArgs ) Handles btnAddNewRow.Click


Dim noofRows As New List ( Of Integer )()

Dim rows As Integer = 0

Integer .TryParse(txtrow.Text.Trim(), rows)

For i As Integer = 0 To rows - 1



            gvbook.DataSource = noofRows


Catch ex As Exception

End Try

End Sub

Build and run the project/website. Check the result.

In this article we have learn to how to add multiple rows to Gridview dynamically  in using C# and . I hope you enjoyed this article.

How To Create Multiple Gridview Dynamically In Asp Net C#


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