This is my stylish origami creation where I tried to capture President Trump's visibility.

Eastern Samoa you backside see, it takes double-sided paper to make this model. I will show you how to make your own Double-sided paper that is affordable and easy to name. Then we can work on capturing Trump's likeness finished origami! Don't forget to vote for me in the 2022 Paper Contest!


A can of spray adhesive (mine be about $4.50 w/coupon at Avocation Lobby)

Yellow tissue paper

Orange paper


Level Rule


This is my Youtube how-to tutorial and I extremely advocate it if you want to fold the origami design. But I birth also provided a step by stone's throw photo tutorial also if you prefer that. Enjoy!

Step 2: Qualification Your Paper

Profane the orange paper on its White side, and spray an even coat of spray adhesive.

With kid gloves lay the tissue on top, trying to have as few wrinkles as possible.

Work the ruler's adjoin ended the paper, trying to work out any wrinkles. You can use your fingernail also.

Once your confidant you worked out the wrinkles, take the scissors and trim along the orange paper until all the surplusage tissue paper is absent. Nowadays you have got your personal repeat-sided origami paper!

Step 3: Making a Square Base

With the yellow side facing up, valley fold the paper horizontally both shipway. Unfold. Past oodles fold the paper diagonally both ways. Blossom. Now, victimisation the folds we just ready-made we are going to make what is called a "Square Base". Collapse the paper using the photo as credit. It should immediately look like a smaller square.

Step 4: Making the Hair

Now take the inner point of the left of the model and blow fold IT part of the direction. Use the photo as reference. Succeeding valley congregation the top level of theme, using the turning point of the paper on the left side as a lead. Then valley fold the left niche over as indicated. Then reverse fold the back corner to hide the paper. So squash fold the spike. Make a small reverse flock at the top to anatomy the hair.

Step 5: Plastic and Finishing the Comb out-finished

Make a mountain fold along the bottom and some other slews fold on the side to shape the head. Now fold the right wing point over equally utmost equally it bequeath go to finish the comb-over. Last, mountain fold the pinnacle soh it is even with the combing-ended. Then impudent the model complete.

Step 6: Making the Horn in and Lips

With the model flipped over, fold the summit corner back over as indicated to make the nose. Next we will be making the lips. Pull the noncurrent corner over soh we can begin. Plication information technology back down and construct a valley fold so a recess begins to stick out from the side of the role model. Then raise up the bottom corner and make a type of squash fold to narrow the bottom lip. Now valley fold the corner A shown in the pic to start making the top lip. Past fold it cover down to create the top lip. Lastly, curl the paper back a little with your fingernail to narrow the lip slightly.

Step 7: Finished!

Your Origami Donald J. Trump is instantly finished! I am not a help of Trump, but disregarding, his orange capitulum is now a component of history. That and I have a friend that is a Trump card fan and I thought it would constitute funny to create an origami for him. If you are not a Trump fan, watch the end of my Youtube video, in that respect you wish find ace of the many things you toilet do with your Best origami. #feeltheburn. Don't forget to vote for Maine in the 2022 Paper Competition ! Thank you!

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