
How To Draw Your Own Comic Character

Photo Courtesy: Amazon Studios/IMDb

Landing a role in a comic volume movie is a big bargain in Hollywood today. These films rake in huge bucks at the box part, and the stars in them have padded their banking company accounts and become household names.

While most actors just become the chance to play one comic book character throughout their careers, others have locked down multiple superhero roles. For some, it'due south all about living out their comic book dreams. For others, information technology's a way to fatten upwardly their portfolios.

Ben Affleck

Ben Affleck portrayed one of his favorite comic volume characters in 2003'south Daredevil. While playing the championship graphic symbol, he wore contact lenses to make him "bullheaded." The actor didn't similar the terminal result. "By playing a superhero in Daredevil, I have inoculated myself from ever playing some other superhero," he said at the 2006 London premiere of Hollywoodland.

Photo Courtesy: Warner Bros./IMDb

Despite that prediction, several years afterward, Affleck found himself back in the superhero game in 2016's Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice. The motion-picture show was a global hit with $873.6 meg earned at the box office. Affleck stepped down as Batman for skilful following 2017'due south Justice League.

Michael B. Jordan

Michael B. Jordan portrayed Human being Torch in the 2015 reboot of Fantastic Iv. Jordan spoke with former Human Torch Chris Evans most the grapheme. "I did get a risk to talk to Chris [Evans] about it. I met him at this event, and he was basically like, 'Man I can't give you anything. You're groovy,'" Jordan told The Source Magazine.

Photograph Courtesy: Marvel Studios/IMDb

In 2018, Hashemite kingdom of jordan became the ruthless villain Killmonger in Black Panther. He will reprise the role in the forthcoming What If…? serial on Disney+. Before this, Jordan lent his phonation to Cyborg in 2013's Justice League: The Flashpoint Paradox.

J.K. Simmons

In the original Spider-Man film trilogy, J.Chiliad. Simmons helped bring J. Jonah Jameson to life. Earlier Simmons was cast, actors R. Lee Ermey and Dennis Farina were eyed for the role. For many, Simmons was the ideal choice as the Daily Bugle's editor-in-chief.

Photograph Courtesy: Warner Bros./IMDb

In 2017, he played Commissioner James Gordon in Justice League. The role was originally offered to Bryan Cranston, who turned it down. This was Simmons' 3rd pairing with Ben Affleck, following 2009's Extract and 2016's The Auditor. Simmons was slated to reprise the role in the Justice League sequel, but the film has been put on concur.

Samuel L. Jackson

Samuel L. Jackson had no choice only to portray Nick Fury in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. In 2001, his likeness was used for the Ultimate version of Nick Fury in the comic books.

Photograph Courtesy: Lionsgate/IMDb

Although the world knows Jackson for portraying the Southward.H.I.E.50.D. member, he was also office of another comic book flick. In 2008, he portrayed the grapheme Octopus in The Spirit, which is based on Volition Eisner'south serial of the same proper noun. The film was in development since the '70s. Unfortunately, all eyes were on Fe Human being, which debuted months before its release.

Michael Keaton

While he was famous for comedy hits in the '80s, Michael Keaton was truly immortalized with his portrayal of Batman. Many critics didn't remember he was right for the gig because of his previous work, but Keaton managed to trounce out A-listers like Kevin Costner and Tom Selleck for the office and proved all those critics wrong.

Photograph Courtesy: Marvel Studios/IMDb

In 2017, Keaton entered the Marvel Cinematic Universe equally Vulture in Spider-Man: Homecoming. His performance earned him a Saturn Honour nomination. The actor had no problems returning to superhero movies afterward Batman. "It's merely a matter. A gig. I don't mean it's merely a gig, it's the adjacent task," Keaton told Vulture.

Dolph Lundgren

Rocky star Dolph Lundgren played the role of Frank Castle in 1989's The Punisher. Michael Paré was originally in talks for the lead office, only the histrion dropped out. Because of his groundwork in martial arts, Lundgren did near of his ain stunts. A sequel was in the works, merely Lundgren walked abroad from the project before information technology happened.

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Nearly 30 years after The Punisher, the role player stepped into the world of Aquaman. In the 2018 film, he played King Nereus, who rules the Atlantean tribe Xebel. The actor hasn't confirmed if he will take part in Aquaman 2, which releases on December 16, 2022.

Peter Dinklage

Game of Thrones star Peter Dinklage played the function of Bolivar Trask in Ten-Men: Days of Future By. His award-winning piece of work on the HBO serial led to his casting for the office. Trask was originally written for 2000's X-Men, but those plans were scrapped by the studio.

Photo Courtesy: 20th Century Fox/IMDb

In 2018, Dinklage became Thor'due south ally Eitri in the blockbuster Avengers: Infinity War. In the comics, Eitri was king of the Dwarves of Nidavellir. Casting Dinklage for the office was a match made in sky for Marvel fans. There's no word if Eitri will render for the forthcoming Thor: Honey and Thunder film.

Michelle Pfeiffer

Michelle Pfeiffer has plenty of honey roles, merely most people yet talk about her portrayal of Selina Kyle (Catwoman). A former dating human relationship with Michael Keaton prevented Pfeiffer from playing Vicki Vale in 1989's Batman. Fortunately, she nabbed the Catwoman part in Batman Returns later Annette Bening dropped out due to pregnancy.

Photograph Courtesy: Curiosity Studios/IMDb

In 2018, Pfeiffer portrayed Janet van Dyne in the summertime hit Ant-Homo and the Wasp. In the comic books, Janet was the original Wasp. Surprisingly, this was the offset fourth dimension Pfeiffer and Michael Douglas worked together during their long careers. Pfeiffer reprised her part in Avengers: Endgame.

Ray Stevenson

Ray Stevenson stepped into the shoes of Frank Castle in 2008's Punisher: War Zone. This film was a reboot of 2004's The Punisher. To get fix, the actor read every single issue of The Punisher MAX that was available. He as well lent his voice to the grapheme in 1 episode of The Super Hero Squad Testify.

Photo Courtesy: Marvel Studios/IMDb

Three years later, Stevenson portrayed Volstagg in Thor, which reunited him with director Kenneth Branagh. For his operation, Stevenson wore a fat suit. "He's Falstaff with muscles. I've got this amazing foam-injected undersuit that flexes with me," Stevenson told Empire. The actor stuck around and reprised the role in Thor: Ragnarok.

Jeffrey Dean Morgan

As a fan of The Walking Dead, Jeffrey Dean Morgan was thrilled to portray Negan on the show. Critics and fans alike can't get enough of him whenever he'south effectually with Lucille in paw. His functioning earned him two Saturn Awards for Best Invitee Performance in a Television Series. Outside the show, he voiced Negan in Robot Chicken.

Photo Courtesy: Warner Bros./IMDb

Morgan has also showcased his dearest of comic books through movies. In 2009, he portrayed The Comedian in Watchmen. The following yr, he appeared in The Losers and Jonah Hex. In 2016, he played Thomas Wayne in Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice.

Djimon Hounsou

In 2005, Djimon Hounsou portrayed Papa Midnite in the film adaptation of Constantine. In the comic books, Papa Midnite is a shaman with his own New York nightclub. Depending on the situation, he could be either a friend or an enemy to John Constantine.

Photo Courtesy: Warner Bros./IMDb

In 2014, Hounsou broke into the MCU as Korath the Pursuer in Guardians of the Milky way. Five years later, he reprised the role in Captain Marvel. Hounsou became The Wizard Shazam in Shazam, which was as well released in 2019. The actor lent his voice to Blackness Panther in the Marvel superhero's 2010 animated serial.

Karl Urban

Karl Urban brought a solid functioning with his version of Judge Dredd in the 2012 film Dredd. Although fans didn't love Sylvester Stallone's Judge Dredd picture, they were pleased with Urban's performance. Unlike Stallone, Urban never took the helmet off, which kept it true to the comics.

Photo Courtesy: Lionsgate/IMDb

In 2017, Urban portrayed Hela'due south henchman Skurge in Thor: Ragnarok. Urban can also be seen as Billy Butcher in the hit Amazon Video series The Boys. The evidence, which is based on the Dynamite Entertainment series, follows individuals with a potent hatred toward superheroes. The series has been confirmed for a second season.

Idris Elba

In 2010, Idris Elba played Roque in The Losers, directed by Sylvain White. In comic books, Roque has an assortment of knives at his disposal. This flick teamed him up with future MCU star Chris Evans. Before The Losers, Elba worked with producer Joel Silver on RocknRolla and The Reaping.

Photo Courtesy: Marvel Studios/IMDb

The following year, Elba portrayed Asgardian sentry Heimdall in Thor. His casting divided Marvel fans, just they appreciated his performance in the end. His last movie as Heimdall was Avengers: Infinity State of war. In 2021, he has another comic book role in The Suicide Squad. The movie is currently shooting in Atlanta.

Sam Elliott

Honey thespian Sam Elliott portrayed Full general Thaddeus Ross in 2003'south Blob. Although most actors read a script before accepting a role, Elliott did the opposite. He wanted to work with director Ang Lee so much, he accustomed the role on the spot.

Photograph Courtesy: Columbia Pictures/IMDb

In 2007, Elliott played Carter Slade in Ghost Rider. In the comic books, Carter Slade was the original Ghost Rider for its 1967 debut. Later on Curiosity brought in Ghost Rider in 1972, they inverse Slade's name to Phantom Rider. Elliott'south version is a cantankerous between Slade and Caretaker, who was a member of The Blood in the comics.

Jon Favreau

Jon Favreau helped usher in the MCU as Happy Hogan in 2008's Iron Man. Aside from playing the character, Favreau directed the flick. More importantly, he chose Robert Downey Jr. to portray Fe Human. He extended his work on the film by doing motility capture work for the Iron Human being conform.

Photo Courtesy: Marvel Studios/IMDb

Earlier the MCU, Favreau played Foggy Nelson in 2003'southward Daredevil. Nelson is Matt Murdock's legal partner and his closest friend. Different Fe Human, Daredevil didn't receive praise for its terminal product. Both Happy Hogan's and Foggy Nelson's roles had Favreau playing the best friend to the superhero.

Tommy Lee Jones

In 1995, Tommy Lee Jones played Batman villain Two-Face in Batman Forever. Baton Dee Williams, who played Harvey Paring in 1989's Batman, had a contract clause for his return as Two-Face, but the studio decided to buy out his contract so Jones could take over the role instead.

Photograph Courtesy: Marvel Studios/IMDb

Two years later, Jones got the neuralizer set up as Amanuensis Chiliad in Men in Black. This spawned a successful film franchise for Jones. In 2011, he played Colonel Chester Phillips in Captain America: The Offset Avenger. But like the comics, Phillips wants Steve Rogers as the get-go exam bailiwick for the super soldier serum.

Tom Hardy

In 2012, Tom Hardy became Blight in The Nighttime Knight Rises. For this part, the actor gained xxx pounds of muscle. Hardy based Bane's voice on bare-knuckle boxer Bartley Gorman. The actor'south performance earned him MTV Movie Award nominations for Best Villain and Best Fight.

Photo Courtesy: Sony Pictures/IMDb

Six years afterwards, Hardy turned into iconic Spider-Man villain Venom. He took the part because of his son Louis' love for the grapheme. "He was pretty much in the driving seat for a lot of it," Hardy told Entertainment This night. In 2020, Hardy will reprise the character for Venom 2, directed by Andy Serkis.

Doug Jones

Doug Jones is one of Hollywood'south greatest actors y'all've never actually seen. In 2004, he took on the role of Abe Sapien in Hellboy so reprised the role for 2008'due south Hellboy Two: The Golden Army and ii straight-to-video animated films that earned him a Fangoria Award for All-time Supporting Actor.

Photo Courtesy: Universal Pictures/IMDb

In 2007, Jones became Marvel superhero Silver Surfer for Fantastic 4: Rise of the Silvery Surfer. This motion picture combined Jones' motion capture with a new VFX program. Although the movie wasn't as popular as the commencement one, everyone praised Jones for his on-screen operation. His piece of work helped him land a Teen Choice Award nomination.

Halle Berry

Following a string of films, Halle Drupe struck aureate every bit Storm in 2000's X-Men. Her performance in Ten-Men: The Last Stand up earned her a People'southward Choice Honor for Favorite Female Action Star. Drupe was last seen every bit Storm in 2014'southward X-Men: Days of Future Past.

Photo Courtesy: Warner Bros./IMDb

During the original X-Men trilogy, she stepped into the shoes of Catwoman for the film of the same proper name. Before Berry, Ashley Judd and Nicole Kidman were rumored to play the iconic villain in the 2004 film. To go far shape, the actress trained in Capoeira. Before Wonder Adult female'southward inflow, Catwoman was the highest-grossing female-led comic volume movie.

Evan Peters and Aaron Taylor-Johnson

Evan Peters and Aaron Taylor-Johnson both starred in the 2010 film Kick-Ass, which is based on the Image Comics series. In the film, Taylor-Johnson played the championship character, while Peters played his friend, Todd Haynes. Boot-Ass became a surprise hitting with $96.ii meg earned at the box office.

Photo Courtesy: Lionsgate/IMDb

Both actors went on to portray Quicksilver — for two unlike studios. In 2014, Peters played the graphic symbol in X-Men: Days of Future Past. He continued playing Quicksilver in X-Men: Apocalypse and Dark Phoenix. Taylor-Johnson brought the character into the MCU with 2014'due south Captain America: The Wintertime Soldier. The next twelvemonth, Avengers: Age of Ultron gave him a bit more screen fourth dimension.

Taika Waititi

In 2017, Taika Waititi directed and starred in Thor: Ragnarok. In the film, he played Korg, who becomes Thor's ally as they escape Asgard. Waititi will star in and direct 2021's Thor: Love and Thunder, which begins shooting next year. Months earlier the release, he will star in The Suicide Squad in an undisclosed role.

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Before condign an MCU powerhouse, Waititi starred in 2011's Green Lantern, which was produced past Greg Berlanti. In the movie, he portrays Thomas Kalmaku, who is Hal Jordan'southward best friend. Waititi got the office later casting directors noticed his operation in 2010's Male child, which he directed and wrote.

Jennifer Connelly

In 2003, Jennifer Connelly played Bruce Banner's beloved involvement in Hulk. For Connelly, director Ang Lee'southward vision led her to accept the role. "I asked him why he wanted to make Hulk, and he said, 'Well, it's really a Greek tragedy. It'southward really a psychodrama,'" Connelly told SYFY Wire.

Photo Courtesy: Universal Pictures/IMDb

Connelly'southward next performance in a comic book film was 2017's Spider-Man: Homecoming. She lent her vox to Karen, which is the AI found in Spider-Man's arrange. Connelly landed the role because of her work in John Hughes' Career Opportunities. Spider-Man: Homecoming featured a handful of tributes to the belatedly manager.

Tim Blake Nelson

In 2008's The Incredible Hulk, Tim Blake Nelson plays Dr. Samuel Sterns. In the comic books, Sterns eventually becomes Leader, who becomes an intelligent supervillain later gamma radiations exposure. Although Sterns gets gamma radiation in his system, he doesn't transform in the movie. The return of the character in Hulk 2 is possible.

Photo Courtesy: Universal Pictures/IMDb

In 2015, Nelson portrayed Dr. Harvey Allen in the Fantastic Four reboot. The character was originally supposed to exist Harvey Elder, who becomes Mole Man in the comics. Earlier shooting, Fox decided to alter the last name. This version of the character helps train others to apply their powers.

Nicolas Muzzle

Oscar-winning actor Nicolas Cage turned up the heat as Ghost Rider in 2007'southward Ghost Rider and 2012's Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance. Both were box role successes, but he declined to practise a 3rd flick. "You never say never, but right now, today, I would say that I'm done," Cage told MTV.

Photo Courtesy: Sony Pictures/IMDb

Before Ghost Passenger, Cage was cast as Superman for Kevin Smith'southward film. The 1998 film was canceled, simply Cage yet got to lend his voice to Superman in 2018'southward Teen Titans Go! To the Movies. That same year, he lent his voice to Spider-Man Noir in Spider-Human being: Into the Spider-Poesy.

Rebecca Romijn

Rebecca Romijn turned heads with her portrayal of Mystique in the original Ten-Men films. For the perfect shot, the actress had to wear 110 individual silicone prosthetics at all times. This procedure took ix hours to finish every mean solar day. Her work earned her a Saturn Award for Best Supporting Actress in 2001. Her final functioning was in X-Men: Showtime Grade.

Photo Courtesy: Conaco/IMDb

In 2018, she began lending her voice to reporter Lois Lane in DC'southward animated films. Romijn appears in The Death of Superman, Reign of the Supermen and Batman: Hush. For her performances, she is joined by husband Jerry O'Connell, who voices Superman.

Josh Brolin

Josh Brolin became the most feared villain in the MCU as Thanos. At the 2019 Saturn Awards, Brolin won for All-time Supporting Actor for his work in Avengers: Infinity War. The actor also made crowds happy equally Cable in Deadpool two. With Deadpool 3 coming in the future, Brolin is looking forward to continuing playing the mutant.

Photo Courtesy: Marvel Studios/IMDb

Before Thanos and Cable, Brolin played the title character in 2010's Jonah Hex. At first glance, the actor wasn't fond of the script, but he ultimately came around. On set, Brolin accidentally broke John Malkovich'southward pollex. Fortunately, it was repaired in fourth dimension for the adjacent scene. (How is that fifty-fifty possible?)

Benedict Cumberbatch

Benedict Cumberbatch has the honor of playing two unique characters in the same movie. The actor gives a rousing performance every bit the title character in Doctor Strange. To properly move his fingers for spells, Cumberbatch trained with dancer JayFunk. In 2017, he was nominated for Best Thespian in a Film at the Saturn Awards.

Photo Courtesy: Marvel Studios/IMDb

Aside from playing Doctor Foreign, Cumberbatch portrays Dormammu. The actor provided motion capture and lent his vocalisation for the office. Candyman actor Tony Todd was considered for the role of Dormammu and even recorded some voice lines, but the directors decided to apply Cumberbatch's phonation instead.

Chris Evans

Chris Evans first gained attention with his portrayal of Johnny Storm/Man Torch in 2005'due south Fantastic 4. In 2011, he moved on to his biggest part to date as Captain America in Captain America: The Commencement Avenger. His performance in the moving-picture show earned him a Scream Award for Best Superhero. The actor portrayed the popular Marvel Comics character in 11 movies.

Photograph Courtesy: 20th Century Fox/IMDb

Although those 2 roles are well-nigh prominent in his career, Evans dove into other comic book franchises as well. He portrayed Captain Jake Jensen in The Losers, and he lent his voice to the character Casey Jones in the 2007 blithe moving-picture show TMNT.

James Marsden

In 2000, James Marsden gained worldwide fame portraying Cyclops in 10-Men. His time on the original trilogy helped bring in $1.1 billion at the box part. In 2006, he jumped ship to DC Comics for Superman Returns. In the film, he plays Daily Planet reporter Richard White.

Photograph Courtesy: 20th Century Fox/IMDb

Appearing in the DC Comics film didn't help his screen time on X-Men: The Last Stand. Both films were released weeks apart from each other. Because of his jump to Superman Returns, Cyclops was killed off early in the picture show. Marsden reprised the role briefly in 2014'due south Ten-Men: Days of Future Past.

Ben Foster

In 2004, Ben Foster portrayed Spacker Dave in The Punisher. In the comic books, Dave is a tenant in the same building The Punisher occupies for a short time. The two somewhen became allies. Dave's movie portrayal most mirrored his behavior in the books.

Photo Courtesy: 20th Century Fox/IMDb

In 2006, Foster played Angel in X-Men: The Last Stand. He wasn't the first choice for the role. Mike Vogel was chosen, but the histrion exited due to scheduling. The Last Stand up gave Angel a completely different origin. Although he'south a founder of the Ten-Men in the comics, he'south just an experiment in the film.


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