Microneedling Aftercare: Get The Most Out of Your Treatment

Microneedling and the Vampire Facial

Microneedling is Collagen Induction Therapy. The most therapeutic devices are powered microneedling devices that apply tiny needles to make micro-channels or injuries in the skin to then stimulate collagen and elastin germination, the edifice blocks of pare tissue. At WIFH, nosotros use Rejuvapen.

Microneedling has get a pop anti-aging procedure, and some of yous might exist familiar with the "Vampire Facial," which the Kardashians accept made famous. The Vampire Facial is only microneedling with PRP, or platelet-rich plasma. An important annotation: PRP is an improver to microneedling and is non offered at all practices. If your skin care provider does non offer PRP, the practise may instead offer a growth factor treatment following your microneedling procedure, which utilizes the same theory as PRP. In PRP, the plasma has growth factors to basically supercharge healing and collagen stimulation. Growth factor serum creates the same upshot without the need to depict blood.

Benefits of Microneedling

At that place are a number of amazing benefits of microneedling with Rejuvapen.

  • Improves fine lines and deeper wrinkles
  • Reduces acne scars
  • Softens stretch marks
  • Evens pare tone
  • Lightens hyperpigmentation and sun spots
  • Reduces advent of pores
  • Firms and smooths skin texture
  • Heals scars
  • Reduces cleaved capillaries and spider veins
  • Brings back the glow for fresher, younger-looking pare

Microneedling Aftercare

Microneedling offers astonishing benefits to getting and keeping your peel beautiful, but like any good skin procedure in that location are important aftercare instructions that yous will need to follow to get the well-nigh out of your skincare treatment.

Since Rejuvapen microneedling creates micro wounds in the skin, patients cannot return to their normal skincare routines correct away. In fact, immediately afterwards your treatment, you will look as though you have a mild to moderate sunburn, and your skin may feel warm and tighter than usual. Keep in mind, these effects are normal and they typically subside within a few hours after treatment, simply can take up to 24-48 hours for complete resolution.

Don't worry: your skin professional will hash out mail service-procedure skincare following the treatment to help soothe, calm, and protect the skin. Continue to treat the skin gently for 3 days after microneedling, and y'all may resume your normal skincare routine after 24-hour interval three post-treatment.

Our Recommendation at WIFH for the Best Microneedling Aftercare:

  1. Make clean – Use a gentle cleanser and tepid water to cleanse the face up for 72 hours post-treatment, and gently dry the treated skin. Always make certain your hands are clean when touching the treated expanse, and practice not utilize a Clarisonic or other powered cleansing brushes for at least one week subsequently your handling.
  2. HEAL – We recommend serum antioxidants post-handling, every bit its backdrop are ideal to help heal the skin past soothing and lessening irritation.
  3. HYDRATE – Following your Rejuvapen treatment, your peel may feel drier than normal. Hyaluronic Acid is an ideal ingredient you tin use to hydrate and restore the skin dorsum to perfect balance.
  4. STIMULATE – In the days following your Rejuvapen treatment, and as the skin starts to regenerate, collagen-stimulating peptides are platonic to maximize the effects of the stimulation already started by the microneedling.
  5. MAKEUP – We recommend you do not utilize makeup for 24 to 72 hours after the procedure. In improver, exercise not utilise any makeup with a makeup brush, especially if the brush is not clean.
  6. PROTECT – Immediately later on the procedure, your skin professional person volition utilise a wide spectrum UVA/UVB, SPF 25 or greater sunscreen to your skin. We recommend a chemical-free sunscreen. Keep in mind that you should go on to apply a sunscreen everyday—not but the days following your procedure—as part of your skincare routine to protect your skin from lord's day damage and premature aging.

Additional Microneedling Aftercare Precautions

  1. To ensure the proper healing surroundings, practise NOT employ any Alpha Hydroxy Acids, Beta Hydroxy Acid, Retinol (Vitamin A), Vitamin C (in a depression pH formula) scrubs or anything perceived as "active" skincare for one week mail service handling.
  2. Do non use whatever powered cleansing brushes like Clarisonic for ane week post treatment.
  3. Avoid intentional and direct sunlight for 72 hours.
  4. No tanning beds.
  5. Always vesture sunscreen.
  6. Do not go swimming for at least 72 hours postal service-treatment.
  7. Do non exercise or participate in strenuous activity for the starting time 72 hours post-treatment. Sweating and gym environments in full general are harmful and filled with bacteria, which may crusade agin reactions in your pare.

WIFH Microneedling Handling Kit

At WIFH, we provide a post-treatment kit that nosotros recommend using for 72 hours after your microneedling treatment for best results. Most facilities probably offer a like treatment kit, but you may be required to purchase the kit, whereas our kit comes with the process. The kit is made upwards of products made by iS Clinical, including: a gentle cleansing complex, Sheald recovery balm, and copper firming mist.

We hope y'all have learned more than about Microneedling aftercare and what to look later your Rejuvapen treatment at WIFH! Visit our office for your free consultation to discover out if Rejuvapen is the correct procedure to meet your skincare goals.