
What Makeup Really Covers Large Pores On Nose

Linda has written content for national fashion and beauty websites. She enjoys sharing style trends and tips with her readers.

Whether you're 18 or 60, enlarged pores can make you very self-conscious.

Whether yous're 18 or 60, enlarged pores tin can brand you very cocky-conscious.

I've always had overactive sebaceous glands. Fortunately, I never suffered much in the way of breakouts in my teens, other than the in one case-a-month eruptions that always appeared at the nigh inopportune time. However, in my example, I noticed my complexion getting worse in my 40s and even into my early 50s. It seemed my oil production had surpassed that of the Eye East!

This excessive oil resulted in clogged pores that accept become enlarged throughout my T-zone—yous know, that T-shaped area of your confront that runs beyond your forehead and downward the middle to your olfactory organ.

Some mirrors really emphasize your pores, making them more obvious than they would be otherwise.

Some mirrors actually emphasize your pores, making them more obvious than they would exist otherwise.

To make matters worse, my makeup mirror only amplified the state of affairs. Each morning time I stared at my 10x magnified pores, praying for a quick set. That's when I set out on a mission to detect the best products to muffle enlarged pores.

5 Products to Cover Large Pores

I decided to concentrate on budget-friendly, non-chemical, corrective products. Here are my personal favorites for reducing the await of enlarged pores. Hope you lot similar them also! Now I tin happily confront my pores in the mirror each morning!

(I would like to make it clear I am not affiliated with any of the cosmetic companies mentioned. This commodity is just a production review based on my personal experiences, and the products are listed in no item club.)

one. Kiehl'south Double Force Deep Contraction Filler

Kiehl'southward website says this product has "double the filling power to instantly fill lines and wrinkles, smoothing them over fourth dimension." While I exercise accept a few wrinkles and deepening lines, I was more interested in the bear upon it might have on enlarged pores.

This product can fill wrinkles and reduce the appearance of large pores.

This product can fill up wrinkles and reduce the advent of large pores.

It contains what they call sodium hyaluronate filling spheres and hyaluronic acid that bind with moisture to "make full" wrinkles. My thought was, if information technology works for facial crevices, why not for enlarged pores?

Although it has received some pretty negative reviews, I decided to give it a go because I like Kiehl'due south production line. For my purposes, it does the play a joke on. Peradventure my results are better considering I merely use it in concentrated areas.

I apply a minor amount to each problem pore (and let it dry completely) earlier applying my moisturizer. I cease with a translucent mineral powder. While my enlarged pores are non completely invisible, their appearance is greatly diminished. I really like the fact that it contains no silicone, which I feel tends to clog my pores. And who knows, the hyaluronic acid might actually assist lessen the appearance of my pores over time.

ii. Clinique Pore Refining Solutions Instant Perfector

This Clinique product is a matte primer that is supposed to conceal pores, fine lines and scars. The visitor says it lasts upwards to eight hours and is resistant to sweat and humidity. All you do is dot information technology and gently blend over pores. I use it alone with a dusting of finishing powder and rarely have the need to reapply during the day.

This will keep your pores clear so they don't become enlarged.

This will keep your pores articulate then they don't become enlarged.

I have tried this product off and on for a few months, while testing others. Previously, I used Clinique's Pore Minimizer and was mildly impressed, only I accept to say the reformulated version is definitely an improvement over the original. Information technology does incorporate silicone polymers, then I take extra intendance in cleansing my pores when using this product.

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I use the Invisible Vivid shade after moisturizing and earlier my finishing powder. It also helps keep T-zone oil at bay. The formula is a bit thinner than the original product, but information technology seems to work better concealing my large pores. When I save upwards, I'm going to endeavor it with the companion Correcting Serum and see how the two products work together.

3. Dr. Brandt Pores No More Refiner

I'thou new to Dr. Brandt products, just am thoroughly impressed with this temporary solution for enlarged pores. Like Clinique's pore refiner, Pores No More gives skin a matte finish and keeps my problem areas from shining through.

The refiner gives your face a matte finish to reduce the look of large pores.

The refiner gives your face up a matte finish to reduce the wait of large pores.

This product contains a nice rest of natural ingredients like tea tree oil (natural antibacterial) and flaxseed excerpt forth with a salicylic acid derivative to regulate and blot excess oil. It comes in tinted and clear formulas.

I received a sample of this production, then I tin't vouch for long-term results. However, I did notice an improvement in the appearance of the pores around my nose. As with the other products, this isn't a phenomenon cure for enlarged pores, but I thought the results were quite impressive. Be sure not to utilize too much of this product or it tends to flake. Utilise with a light hand and you'll be just fine…so volition your pores.

four. Benefit The POREfessional

The POREfessional is chosen a balm, simply don't let that scare yous away. It is a lightweight formulation that comes in tube form. The POREfessional's oil-gratuitous formula is translucent, then it is great to wear with or without makeup. Information technology contains some sort of vitamin E derivative that the company claims helps protect your skin from gratis radicals. That's one of the benefits of this Do good pore minimizer.

This smooth emollient creates a silky canvas  with or without makeup.

This smooth emollient creates a silky canvas with or without makeup.

I keep this product in my handbag for quick touch-ups when my confront starts to go oily and my pores get more than visible. I don't use it as a primer. Instead, I prefer to apply information technology to pores afterward in the mean solar day and over my mineral finishing pulverization. For some reason, information technology's more effective for me when practical subsequently the fact. It has a prissy matte finish, and so information technology won't be obvious when applied over your other makeup. I would give this product a better-than-average rating for its ability to muffle enlarged pores.

5. Smashbox Photograph Terminate Targeted Pore & Line Primer

I bought this Smashbox primer because of its descriptive proper name. I love names that tell yous exactly what a product is supposed to practice. The website claims this product was designed to target oversized pores and fine lines. Without even reading whatsoever reviews, I was sold and immediately purchased a tube.

Very lightweight and oil-free so it won't clog your pores.

Very lightweight and oil-free so information technology won't clog your pores.

It is fragrance and paraben-free, but it does contain silicone elastomers to reduce oily smooth. So give your pores a expert cleansing at the end of the mean solar day. Smashbox goes on all solar day about the unique application tip—I'm not sure what all the fuss is about. I just put a dab of primer on my finger and gently press it into my pores.

I am very pleased with the results of this thick primer. I apply it but similar the POREfessional—after I utilize my mineral veil. The primer mixes with the powder and does a heck of a job of concealing my enlarged pores. I understand it is likewise adept for hiding acne scars as well. This is some other product I would recommend keeping on manus for late-day bear on-ups.

This content is accurate and true to the best of the writer's knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.

© 2012 Linda Chechar

What Practice You Think Most These Pore Concealing Products?

Linda Chechar (author) from Arizona on January 22, 2014:

Lindy, I definitely will. Thank you for reading and thanks for the tip!

Lindy on January 22, 2014:

try miracle mistiness from loreal. Covers pores and wrinkles.

Linda Chechar (writer) from Arizona on June 17, 2013:

Requite it a try vibesites and let me know what you lot think! Thanks for your comment! :)

vibesites from Us on June 17, 2013:

"It seemed my oil production had surpassed that of the Middle E!" - mine also! Lol.

Based on your descriptions, I'd go for Smashbox and try 1 for myself. Thanks for recommending! :)

Linda Chechar (writer) from Arizona on June 12, 2013:

jenabroad, thanks for explaining your application technique! That is very important in gild to get the best coverage. Thanks for reading and sharing your experience! :)

jenabroad on June 12, 2013:

I do a philharmonic of things that seem to work really well. After applying a witch hazel toner, I utilise a make upwardly sponge to use the kiehl's to the area of the large pores (if you use your fingertips, the heat from your hands simply enlarges the pores further). After that dries completely, I use the sponge to add the benefit pore-fessional and employ a tissue to remove any that is not covering the pore. Comprehend with a loose powder and apply the Pore-fessional in the same fashion described in a higher place if you lot need additional coverage/ touch ups. I accept establish it to work extremely well! Good luck!

Linda Chechar (author) from Arizona on May 05, 2013:

You are welcome suthernlam! Cheers for reading and your comment. Accept intendance! :)

suthernglam on May 05, 2013:

Nifty hub! I definitely have pore issues, so I may try the Dr. Brandt'southward:) Cheers.

Linda Chechar (writer) from Arizona on Nov 14, 2012:

I know, lana! I wish I had the money I've spent on pore minimizing/concealing products over the years. Clinique definitely make a great product. I hope it works for you! Thanks for reading and commenting. :)

lanablackmoor from New England on Nov xiv, 2012:

I seriously wish this hub had been effectually ages ago. I've tried more products than I care to mention in an attempt to conceal the pores on my nose and under my lip. I remember I'll give the Clinique product a try since they've never steered me incorrect in the past. Thanks for sharing!!

Linda Chechar (author) from Arizona on October 28, 2012:

Oooh! Londonlady, thanks for the tip with the Vaseline! I never would take thought nearly that. Glad you like the Hub and hope it was useful. Thanks for the read, annotate and vote! :)

Deya Writes on October 28, 2012:

I tend to wear a calorie-free foundation when my skin feels less-than-perfect but even only a slight layer of foundation leaves my skin'due south pores showing through. I found that using a flake of Vaseline (petroleum jelly) under foundation, or fifty-fifty later on applying these pore perfecting creams, helps a lot! Skilful hub, voted up! :)

Linda Chechar (author) from Arizona on September 22, 2012:

Thanks and so much Lillian! I promise the Kiehl's works for y'all. Information technology is and then difficult to find any advice online that isn't biased. I just wanted to share my real life experiences. I appreciate your comment and look forward to hearing what you think nearly the product. :)

Lillian on September 21, 2012:

Beloved this post, it's exactly what I was looking for -- a girlfriend's advice from someone who'south been there. I will social club the Kiehl's immediately, based on your recommendation. I second tillsontitan - your post should be picked up by a magazine. Thanks for doing your homework and sharing your results.

Linda Chechar (author) from Arizona on April 24, 2012:

Thank you for such a flattering comment and the votes, tillsontitan! I took copious notes every bit I tested each of the products, and then I could provide readers with the best information possible. Glad y'all liked the Hub!

Mary Craig from New York on April 24, 2012:

What a comprehensive review! Y'all did a smashing job of describing each product and how to utilise it. This hub could be in Cosmopolitan. You did your inquiry and stated so. Voted upward, useful and interesting.

Linda Chechar (writer) from Arizona on Apr 13, 2012:

SmartAndFun, yeah, from what I understand you tin can only hope to temporarily tighten pores by steaming, cleansing and splashing with cold h2o--it won't actually shrink them. My but conservancy is "spackling" (I love your comparison!) The only other option is laser resurfacing or other expensive treatments from a dermatologist--I would dear to do that, but it isn't in the budget! You will have to let me know which product you terminate up purchasing and your impressions!

Linda Chechar (author) from Arizona on April 13, 2012:

Arielqiao, no offense taken. :) Have a great weekend!

SmartAndFun from Texas on Apr thirteen, 2012:

Give thanks y'all, Lindacee, I constitute this hub helpful. I have huge ugly pores on my nose. I accept given up trying to shrink them; I don't know if that is even really possible. Then, your information is helpful to me. LOL, I need face spackle, like the stuff you put on a wall to make full in the boom holes. Possibly I will go the Khiel's when I get my first HP payout, hopefully this calendar month! :)

Linda Chechar (author) from Arizona on April 13, 2012:

Arielqiao, I have no affiliation with whatever of these corrective companies; simply wanted to offer my experiences with and personal opinions most these products to help others dealing with the embarrassment of enlarged pores. :) Thanks for reading my Hub!

Linda Chechar (author) from Arizona on April 13, 2012:

SmartAndFun, The Kiehl's works all-time for me, however each of the others I mentioned in the Hub are great choices also. Unfortunately it takes some experimentation to come across which one works best. Cheers for the comment! Good luck!

SmartAndFun from Texas on April thirteen, 2012:

Ugh I need a product like this, especially for my nose. Which one of these would you say works best?

Linda Chechar (author) from Arizona on April 12, 2012:

Yeah, paxwill, I have and information technology is a refreshing toner after cleansing! Yet, it does non aid to reduce the size of my extra large pores. Unfortunately, I demand products designed to muffle them. A combo of middle-historic period hormones and genetics. :( Thanks for stopping by my Hub!


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